Stay in the here and now

Staying in the here and now is a key part of being mindful.

Focusing on the present moment can boost focus and help you take things one step at a time.

It can be hard to stay in the here and now sometimes.

We are constantly bombarded with distractions, both big and small, and mostly in a digital format via social media and message alerts. 

It’s easy to get lost in our thoughts, wondering about the past or worrying about the future. Staying in the here and now is really important for our mental health.

When you’re constantly worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, it can be difficult to enjoy life. In fact, you may not even realise that you’re not living in the present moment.

This can lead to a lot of stress and some unhappiness.

One of the best ways to enjoy life is to focus on the present moment. This means that you should try to pay attention to what’s happening around you and appreciate the good things in your life.

For example, if you’re with friends or family, take a few moments to really talk and connect with them. If you’re in a lecture, focus on the task at hand and try to do your best. If you’re doing something you enjoy, such as reading or going for a walk, savour the experience and be mindful of how good it feels.

Embracing the art of mindfulness and anchoring oneself in the present moment can significantly enhance our mental wellbeing.

As we navigate the digital world filled with distractions, it becomes imperative to consciously stay in the here and now. While it’s natural to contemplate the past and anticipate the future, remember that life unfolds in the present.

By paying attention to our surroundings, engaging deeply with our loved ones and truly immersing ourselves in our activities, we can cultivate a richer, more fulfilling experience.

After all, the beauty of life lies in savouring each moment as it comes.

Here are a few tips that may help you to stay in the here and now:

1. Practice Mindfulness Meditation: 

This technique encourages you to focus on your breath or another focal point, helping to bring your attention back to the present moment whenever your mind begins to wander.

2. Engage Your Senses: 

Try to engage all your senses in whatever you’re doing. Whether you’re eating, taking a walk, or simply sitting, take the time to notice what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.

3. Limit Screen Time: 

Too much time spent on digital devices can lead to constant distraction, and make it difficult to stay in the present. Allocate specific times for checking messages, emails, social media, and other digital distractions.

4. Gratitude Journaling: 

Keep a daily gratitude journal. Each day, write down a few things that you are grateful for. This practice can help you to focus on the positive aspects of your present moment, rather than dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future.

5. Body Scan Exercise:

This involves paying attention to different parts of your body, from your toes to your head, and noticing any sensations without judgement. This practice can help you tune into your physical presence, and ground you in the present moment. It’s a technique often used in mindfulness and meditation practices.


Home » Resources » Stay in the here and now
All the contact details for the college Wellbeing Coaches are here should you feel you need to speak with someone you can trust, in complete privacy and confidence:

Charlotte O' Sullivan
Hair & Beauty 
Travel & Tourism
Tel: 02476 679 1654

Bea Sahota
Health & Social Care
Tel: 02476 679 1656

Steve Dye
Public Services
Tel: 02476 791 247

Karen Brown
Motor Vehicle
Tel: 02476 791 658

Westley (Looch) Bailey
Adult Maths
Adult English
Tel: 02476 791 660

Jennie Hole
Performing Arts                       
Tel: 02476 791 657

Ash Boon
ESOL Youth                          
All CLA students
Tel: 02476 791 655

Lisa Baptiste
Tel: 02475 102 065
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