Mental Health Awareness Week
13th May to 19th May 2024

Here you will find various articles all designed to offer support and advice around the many facets of mental health.

Each article is accompanied by an infographic and an audio version, enabling you to consume the information in the most appropriate manner for you.

Red Flags

Trusting our instincts, also known as intuition, can be crucial in helping us avoid harmful situations in our relationships with others. Our intuition is often based on a combination of [...]
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Stay in the here and now

Staying in the here and now is a key part of being mindful.Focusing on the present moment can boost focus and help you take things one step at a time. [...]
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Overthinking is the habit of excessively thinking or dwelling on a problem, situation or decision, often to the point of becoming anxious or stressed. It’s when you get caught up in [...]
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Ask For Help

When it comes to our mental health, we often feel like we have to be strong and figure everything out on our own. This does not have to be the [...]
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Self Talk

Self-talk is the inner dialogue that we have with ourselves on a daily basis. It can be positive or negative, and it plays a huge role in our mental health. [...]
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Breathe: Box Breathing

Box breathing, also known as four-square breathing or square breathing, is a simple yet effective breathing technique often used to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve focus. It involves taking [...]
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The resources and support provided in here are designed to promote mental wellbeing and provide general guidance on mental health to our learners. However, the content is not intended to serve as specific mental health advice or replace consultation with a trained professional. If you or someone you know requires personalised mental health support, we strongly encourage you to consult with one of the College Wellbeing Coaches who can help signpost you to a licensed mental health professional or appropriate services in your area.

We also offer signposting to help you find organisations that can provide more specialised assistance when needed. Click the button below:
Daily Mental Health Tips for Learners During Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
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